The Environment Poster
The Environment Poster
Daydream Education's The Environment poster is a colourful and engaging wall chart that teaches school pupils about the life cycle assessment. It also addresses topics such as the questions a company must ask when discussing the extraction of raw materials, as well as the manufacture, distribution, packaging, use and disposal of products. Finally, the poster discusses pollution, global warming, and how companies can reduce both with efficient working practices.
Its concise and accurate information clearly explains every component of this challenging Design and Technology topic. Alongside each well-researched information block is a high-resolution, colourful image which makes the topical subject of the environment fun an approachable. The poster's large A1 size, striking design and bright colours make it a fundamental addition to any thriving classroom.
You Will Benefit From This Poster If You're:
- A teacher
- A school pupil
- A home-schooling parent
This Poster Can be Used as:
- A teaching aid in classrooms
- A revision summary at home
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